
Our bussiness philosophy is based on meeting customer satisfaction. For this reason, we understand that we have to offer good quality in all the products and services. Our motto is:

“Quality at your service”

For best result we provide personalized attention.

Every customer, every job and every situation require specific treatment. This is the first step to achieve our objetive.

For Hegasa, each customer is not a simple number or name, is our partner in a long way, and we want to walk together as long as possible.

In the same way is our relation with all suppliers. We appreciate to rely in the word of all companies that supplies to us.

C/ Parroquia de Ouces, Parcela F13   |   Polígono Industrial de Bergondo. CP 15166   |   Bergondo. A Coruña   |   Spain
Phone: 0034-981 79 56 10   |   Fax: 0034-981 79 56 08   |   Email:

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